A Level


Study Politics at an advanced level and examine concepts such as power, freedom, democracy, and class alongside gaining an in-depth understanding of both the UK and US political systems.
100% Exam
5+ in English Language

What is Politics?

This course is dynamic and modern, studying Politics at an advanced level including topics such as Voting Behaviour, Prime Ministerial Power, Elections, Pressure Groups, the US President, and various Political Ideologies. We study both UK and US Government and Politics and examine contemporary Politics to develop students’ understanding of modern-day politics.

Why study Politics?

Students will engage with contemporary politics, reflecting on current political debates such as where does power really lie and why the number of people voting in elections is declining. It will broaden students’ political awareness, whilst developing critical thinking skills, analysis of the changing dynamics of modern politics and the ability to interpret, evaluate and make judgements on modern-day politics.


Government & Politics Exam Results




A* to C


A* to B


I’ve really enjoyed broadening my knowledge of UK and US politics and developing my understanding of the world around me.

Waheeda Mujahid, Year 13

Given the current political climate in the United Kingdom and abroad, choosing Politics at A-Level was the best decision I could have made.

Felix Craven, Year 13

Politics A Level is crucial for understanding the evolving world around us. It has taught me a multitude of lessons that have helped me to become more in touch with society and others.

Patricia Robins, Year 13

Studying Politics has been very eye-opening, helping me to gain an understanding of current affairs and an understanding of how our country and the world around us functions.

Tom Gallagher, Year 13

Course Content

Government & Politics is a broad and complex subject, see how we break down these topics and subjects and how we assess them.

UK Politics and Core Political Ideas
2 Hours

The course analyses both the theoretical and practical aspects of politics throughout the UK by the studying four key modules

  1. Democracy and participation
  2. Political parties
  3. Electoral systems
  4. Voting behaviour and the media

Within these, key issues surrounding politics are evaluated and analysed to discover how we, the public, can participate in politics and have our views represented in numerous ways. We also study the impact and ideologies of the main political parties in the UK while considering how these ideologies work in practice to provide representation. We also analyse the different electoral systems used throughout the UK and formulate political theories concerning the reasons for why people vote for specific representatives.

This unit also focuses on 3 key political ideologies that have shaped, and continue to shape, British and global societies.

  • Socialism
  • Liberalism
  • Conservatism

Within the study of each ideology, we study the origins of the ideologies as well as how these ideologies are presented in modern society.

UK Government and Non-core Political Ideas
2 Hours

The course analyses the institutions and key personnel involved in the running of the UK, It comprises four modules:

  1. Constitution
  2. Parliament
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Relationship between institutions

The course has a focus on keeping up to date with current developments in UK government and understanding how the institutions of UK government impact on the day-to-day running of the country. The course involves lots of discussion and debate surrounding the theory and realities of government in the UK and students are required to analyse and evaluate key information regarding the various elements of UK government.

This unit also focuses on Feminism, a key political ideology that has shaped, and continues to shape, British and global societies.

Within the study of this Feminism, we study the origins as well as how this ideology is presented in modern society.

US and Comparative Politics
2 Hours

The course analyses how the political system of the US operates and functions by looking a the powers given to the three pillars of American federal government, the President, Congress and the Supreme Court. The focus of the course is split between political theory and practical politics to analyse current affairs and issues within US politics.

Additionally, we compare and contrast the democracies of the UK and US to analyse similarities and differences in the political systems. This is done through the direct comparison of the institutions, ideologies, voting behaviour, functions of governmental departments and constitutions using three comparative theories; Rational, Cultural and Structural. 




We are so delighted you are considering Government & Politics as one of your A Levels. My team and I are passionate about the study of Government & Politics and are keen to impart our love for the subject on you too.

I would be really happy to answer any questions you may have about Government & Politics; please do not hesitate to contact me.

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