
We are delighted you are considering applying to St Paul’s Sixth Form. Our online application process is simple and straight-forward. We have also prepared plenty of advice to help you make those all-important final decisions about courses.

Before Applying

It is important to spend some time researching the courses you are interested in studying before making a final decision. If you change your mind once you have begun your courses, it can be difficult to swap and still catch up. The key to success in the Sixth Form is enjoying the courses you have chosen.

We recommend you discuss your preferences with any member of the College team including which subjects to study, the grades you will need, and the work experience or extra-curricular accomplishments which may be necessary.  If, at this stage, you have only a general idea of what you wish to study, or are not sure yet, then consider subjects which you actively enjoy and are good at. 

Some degree courses require very specific subject combinations or grades. If you are considering going on to study medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, nursing/midwifery, or engineering, please check with our Sixth Form team to ensure that you are looking at appropriate subject combinations. You should also look at a range of university websites to gain an understanding of their entry requirements as these will vary from one establishment to another. 

Course Requirements

At St Paul’s Catholic College, we have put a lot of thought into our entry requirements as it is really important to us that students are studying courses that that will allow them to flourish.

In order to study Level 3 courses at A Level, students must achieve five or more 9-4 grades at GCSE. In addition, students will need to have an average point score of at least 5.3 if they would like to study A Levels. Where students do not have an average point score of 5.3, it will be expected that they study at least one BTEC course. Students will also need to meet the additional requirements for specific courses as shown on individual course pages. Students who have not achieved a grade 4 in Maths and/or English GCSE will be required to retake the subject alongside their chosen subjects.

Choosing the Right Courses

The Right Reasons


You’re passionate about the subject. 


You have read the course content and you are interested in the topics covered. 

Future career

The subject links directly to your future career plans or provides opportunities to decide in the future what your career plan will be.  

Complementary courses

The course choices complement each other and go well together.  

Right style of assessment

The style of assessment suits you e.g., end-of-unit examination vs coursework/practical work.

The Wrong Reasons

Liking the teacher

There is no guarantee that you will be taught by them.

My friends have chosen the course

They won't be able to do the course work for you. 

You have not looked at alternative courses

You have not looked at alternative courses (you need to be committed to the course).

I don't know what else to do

You may have found another course that would have suited you better if you had asked for help.

Too scared to try something new

New subjects can complement more familiar subjects and may even become your favourite.  

Can't get the grades

You don’t think you will get the grades for anything else. This isn’t a reason to choose a course – you need to be positive and committed to doing your best.  

The subject is ‘easy’

There is no such thing as an ‘easy’ A-Level or BTEC course.

How To Apply

All applications must be made online. The closing date for applications is 20th December 2024, but we will consider late applications if there are still places available. All applications will be considered in accordance with our Admissions Policy

Once you have submitted your application to us, we will keep you updated regarding its progress. Interviews normally take place across February and March when offers will be made. 

The application process differs slightly depending on whether you are a current St Paul’s student or an external applicant.

Current St Paul's Students

If you are a current St Paul’s student in Year 11, you will receive an email from our Sixth Form team after the Open Evening in October containing login details to our Sixth Form application form.

Please check your school email after the Open Evening for your personalised login details. We have prefilled many of the personal details in your application form to save you time. If you have already started your application, you can return to it at any time by going to Apply Now.

External Students

If you are studying at another school, please click Apply Now to start your new application, or to continue an application you have already started.