Carer And Parental Support

Your subject teachers will monitor your progress in relation to your academic potential and will liaise with your Sixth Form tutor. Every student will receive regular grade collections which are emailed home. During your tutor meetings you will be able to review your progress, set targets and be offered advice and support.

How can parents/carers support students

While it is crucial for Sixth Form students to gradually develop greater independence in preparation for their next steps, we believe that our partnership with parents and carers is essential to achieving excellent outcomes for all students.

Therefore, we invite parents/carers to a range of information and consultation evenings throughout the two years:

  • Year 12 Parents Information Evening
  • Year 12 Parents Consultation Evening
  • Year 13 Parents Information Evening & Higher Education Information Evening
  • Year 13 Parents Consultation Evening

We also provide parents/carers with regular progress updates throughout the academic year.

If a teacher or tutor has concerns about a Sixth Form student, such as issues with attendance, progress, or welfare, they will initially contact the student’s parents/carers. If the problems persist, the Sixth Form team and/or Head of Sixth Form will step in to provide necessary support and interventions, and will reach out to parents or carers.

Tutors, teachers, and the Sixth Form team are always available to address any queries or concerns parents or carers may have, or to communicate important updates regarding a student’s welfare.

Maintaining maximum attendance, with no unauthorised absences, is crucial for A-level success. We ask that the college is always informed via the absence line if a student is unwell or unable to attend. Parents or carers will be notified if a student misses tutor time or assemblies.


Display your child’s timetable prominently so everyone knows when they need to be at school and by what time.


Set up a ‘silent study’ area in the house, free from distractions and siblings, to enable focused study.


Engage with your child about their private study habits. Ask specific questions such as, “What three things did you learn in private study today that you didn’t know before?”


Encourage active study techniques. Passively reading from notes or textbooks isn’t effective. They should be note-taking, mind-mapping, creating revision cards, storyboarding, and attempting timed responses without using books or resources.


Break revision and independent study at home into manageable chunks, such as one hour per subject. Avoid spending long periods focusing on a single subject.


Ensure your child takes regular breaks and has relaxation time. Studying constantly is neither effective nor healthy.


Limit the time spent on part-time jobs to one day a weekend. Additional work during evenings or multiple shifts a week is too much and doesn’t leave enough time for studying. We recommend students work no more than 10 hours a week.


Minimize time out of lessons due to trips during term time and sickness. Regular attendance is crucial for success.