Careers and Further Education

Your subject teachers will monitor your progress in relation to your academic potential and will liaise with your Sixth Form tutor. Every student will receive regular grade collections which are emailed home. During your tutor meetings you will be able to review your progress, set targets and be offered advice and support.

Sixth Form Careers Support

Upon starting your Year 12 studies, the Sixth Form team will be readily available to guide and support you with your future choices. Whether you’re considering university, college, an apprenticeship, a gap year, studying abroad, or seeking employment, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

You will have a dedicated lesson on your timetable once a fortnight, led by a member of the Sixth Form team. These sessions will provide essential information on career pathways, explore employability skills, and highlight the responsibilities young people have towards the world around them.

All Year 12 students complete a week of work experience in July to broaden their knowledge and understanding of particular career paths.

In your second year, the Sixth Form team will offer comprehensive support for your UCAS applications, ensuring you have all the assistance needed for writing your personal statement. If university isn’t your chosen path, we will also provide guidance on apprenticeship applications and other routes you may wish to pursue.

The Sixth Form team is here to help, encourage, and answer any questions you might have about your future beyond Sixth Form. Our door is always open, and support is always available.

Going to university

For students planning to continue to university, St. Paul’s offers comprehensive support throughout the entire journey:
  • Helping you choose the right course at the right university
  • Maximizing the value of any open days you attend
  • Assisting with your UCAS application and personal statement writing
  • Providing support for those undertaking an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)
  • Offering specialized guidance for Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary applications
  • Conducting mock interviews to prepare you for the real thing
  • Assisting with applications for student accommodation and student finance

St. Paul’s is committed to ensuring you have all the resources and support needed to achieve your university aspirations.

Applications to Medicine

Every year, we assist several students applying to study medicine, navigating the incredibly tough and competitive process. We work closely with each student to ensure they are thoroughly prepared by offering the following support:

  • Guidance in choosing the right university
  • Assistance with finding and securing volunteering and work experience opportunities
  • Support for the UCAT admissions tests
  • Comprehensive interview practice

Our goal is to equip each aspiring medical student with the tools and confidence needed to succeed in their application journey.

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

St Paul’s Catholic College is really proud to be a hub school for BSMS. This means we host sessions to explore students’ interest in medicine, develop their understanding of the role of a doctor and provide advice and guidance on making a competitive application to medical school. Sessions include:

  • Getting into Medicine
  • A journey through the NHS
  • Interpreting X-rays
  • Medical school interviews

Applying to Oxford and Cambridge

Each year, several of our students apply to Oxford or Cambridge. To support them through this highly competitive process, we offer a bespoke program designed to help them become strong candidates. Our program includes:

  • Guidance on selecting the right university and college
  • Preparation for admissions tests
  • Conversations with former St. Paul’s students currently studying at Oxford or Cambridge
  • Super-curricular opportunities to enhance their academic profile
  • Assistance in crafting a strong personal statement
  • Mock interviews to build confidence and refine interview skills