BTEC (Level 3)

Creative Digital Media Production

This course allows the students to have hands on experience of how the media industry functions
80% NEA
20% Exam

What is Creative Digital Media Production?

This course allows the students to learn and practice from the perspective of a professional in the creative media industry. By delivering a range of projects throughout the 2-year course you can have hands on experience of how the media industry functions at both theoretical and practical level. The course is mapped carefully through a range of units including ‘Scriptwriting’, ‘Single Camera Techniques’, ‘Video Editing’, ‘Film Production’ and ‘Responding to a Commission’. Each unit allows the student to learn skills specific to the industry and then gives them the opportunity to try their hand at the tasks.

Why study Creative Digital Media Production?

The creative media industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK and within that sector are a huge variety of careers that include journalism, film and TV production, advertising and marketing, design, publishing and so much more – many of the skills you will learn in this course.

Even if you don’t pursue a career in this sector, the skills you’ll develop will transfer to any sector you do work in. The ability to analyse, evaluate, create, work with others, lead a team, promote yourself or a product and, most importantly, apply yourself and work hard, will stand you in good stead whether you choose a career in the Creative Sector or something else entirely.


Creative Digital Media Productions Exam Results




Merit - Dist*


Dist - Dist*


The subject is interesting, fun and very hands-on and full of great opportunities

Laura Hastings (BTEC Media)

Creative Digital Media Production
Course Content

This course offers students the opportunity to learn and apply industry skills to practical tasks. For the single award students take 5 of the units below, for the double students will take all 10.

Digital Media Skills
Externally Assessed

AO1 Apply knowledge and understanding of media production processes and skills when
responding to a brief

AO2 Demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding to create appropriate assets in
responses to a brief

AO3 Demonstrate selection and use of appropriate skills required for asset management

AO4 Demonstrate application of appropriate technical skills in the creation of a media product

AO5 Synthesise ideas in order to produce creative responses that meet the needs of the brief

Media Enterprise
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Develop a brief for the production of a new media product or service

B: Apply enterprise skills to plan the production of new media product or service

C: Produce a new digital media product or service through application of media
enterprise skills

D: Review media enterprise skills

Responding to a Commission
Externally Assessed

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media production processes and related
considerations when responding to a brief

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of media production processes in context, demonstrating
how constraints affect decisions and the ability to adapt to changes in requirements

AO3 Analyse and interpret information related to purpose, technical and logistical requirements of
the brief and evaluate solutions for implementation with appropriate justification

AO4 Be able to respond creatively to a brief demonstrating the ability to synthesise a range of

Film Editing
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Understand apps and application environments

B: Explore app development frameworks

C: Produce an app for a specific audience and purpose.

Film Production
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Understand codes and conventions of fictional film production

B: Produce material for a fictional film of a specified genre

C: Apply post-production techniques to a fictional film utilising codes and conventions of a specified genre.

Storyboarding for Digital Production
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Understand the use of storyboards in a range of digital media sectors

B: Explore storyboard skills for production purposes

C: Create and review storyboards for digital creative media production.

Script Writing
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Examine the role of a scriptwriter

B: Explore scriptwriting formats and conventions for media products

C: Produce scripts for media products.

Single Camera Techniques
Internally Assessed

In this unit you will:

A: Examine the role of a scriptwriter

B: Explore scriptwriting formats and conventions for media products

C: Produce scripts for media products.

Stop Motion Animation
Internally Assessed
Sound Recording
Internally Assessed
Mr Bullock

Mr M Bullock


We are so delighted you are considering Creative Digital Media Production as one of your BTECs. My team and I are passionate about the study of Creative Digital Media Production and are keen to impart our love for the subject on you too.

I would be really happy to answer any questions you may have about Creative Digital Media Production; please do not hesitate to contact me.

Send me a message

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Creative Digital Media Production

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