A Level

Media Studies

An analysis of a comprehensive range of media texts, combined with the study of the theories surrounding why they were made, by whom, for whom, the nature of their construction, and the inherent messages within them.
70% Exam 30% NEA
5+ in English

What is Media Studies?

Media Studies at A Level offers a mixture of theory and practice. The new specification from Eduqas encompasses a wide range of media skills including investigating the relationship between media institutions, audiences and the communication of representation through specific media language.

The course still maintains a sensible approach to assessment, allowing students to practically demonstrate their creative skills through a media production that is worth 30% of the grade.

Why study Media Studies?

Mass media surrounds our lives, and this course offers the chance to study and critically analyse a comprehensive range of media forms and texts including advertising, TV drama, the film industry, newspapers and video games among many others. You will study the texts through the lens of theoretical approaches including (but not limited to) postmodernism, feminism, genre theory, structuralism, semiotics, and media effects.


Media Studies Exam Results




A* to C


A* to B


Media Studies is definitely a subject you should consider whoever you are and whatever your interests are

Rosie Childs (Media Studies A2)

A truly inspiring subject which allows you to use your knowledge not just within, but outside of the subject too

Chloe (Media Studies Student)

Studying media will teach you the skills to become part of tomorrow’s world. Media is perfect for any career in journalism, PR, or Literary work

David Marriott (Media Studies A5)

Media Studies
Course Content

This exciting course will equip you with the communication and technology skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace, whether in the media industry or not.

Investigating Media Language & Representation

This component introduces learners to the knowledge, understanding and skills required to analyse media products through the study of key areas of the theoretical framework – media language and representation.

Students study media language and representation in relation to examples chosen by the exam board. They will study at least two examples in each of the following forms:

  1. Music video and video games
  2. Advertising and film marketing
  3. Newspapers and radio news/current affairs programs


Students explore and analyse how meanings and representations are constructed in media products through media language, as well as considering how they are influenced by social, cultural, historical and industry (including economic and political) contexts. Relevant theoretical approaches and theories are also studied.

Investigating Media Forms & Products

Students build on the knowledge and understanding developed in Component 1 by studying all four areas of the theoretical framework.

Students study media language, representation, media industries and audiences in relation to:

  1. Television
  2. Magazines
  3. Blogs

This involves the detailed study of set products in a holistic way, building on the study of media language and representation in Component 1 to also consider industry and audience issues. Students explore the influence of relevant social, cultural, historical and industry contexts on the set products. Relevant theoretical approaches and theories are also studied.

Media Production
Non Examined Assessment

Learners create an individual media production in one form, applying their knowledge and understanding of media language, representation, industry and audiences in response to a choice of briefs set by the exam board. The forms that learners can work in include television, magazine, film marketing, music marketing and online options. The intended audience and industry context are specified in the brief. 

Mr Bullock

Mr M Bullock


We are so delighted you are considering Media Studies as one of your A Levels. My team and I are passionate about the study of Media Studies and are keen to impart our love for the subject on you too.

I would be really happy to answer any questions you may have about Media Studies; please do not hesitate to contact me.

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